Tolomarka Leachate Treatment Project

Tolomarka Closed Landfill

A leachate pipeline runs approximately 2 km from the landfill to its discharge point in the fjord. This pipeline frequently becomes clogged due to iron precipitation.

In addition to the primary goal of removing iron to prevent clogging, there is also a clear interest in eliminating heavy metals, organic pollutants, and other particle-bound substances. The average water flow is approximately 3–4 L/s but varies significantly.

The leachate discharge area is somewhat confined, requiring careful evaluation of treatment options. The main objective is to remove iron using the simplest and most compact treatment system possible.

Tolomarka – Aeration with Bioreactor

Sludge under reactor
Torrstoff % 31,9
Kobber (Cu) mg/kg TS 7,3
Krom (Cr) mg/kg TS 17
Nikkel (Ni) mg/kg TS 11
Sink (Zn) mg/kg TS 46
Arsen (As) mg/kg TS 13
Bly (Pb) mg/kg TS 2,7
Kadmium (Cd) mg/kg TS 0,089
Kvikksolv (Hg) mg/kg TS 0,012
Jem (Fe) mg/kg TS 480000
Sum 7 PCB mg/kg TS 0,022
Sum PAH(16) EPA nd
Oljeinnhold (C10-C40) mg/kg TS 74,70
Totalt karbon (TC) %tv 4,6